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How to place an order?

The Shop is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, all year round, allowing Buyers to place Orders at any time, excluding maintenance breaks.

To place an Order:

  1. Select a product from the Shop, choose its weight variant, and click "Add to Cart."
  2. Once products are added to the cart, click "Order Now."
  3. The estimated delivery date will appear on the screen if the Order is paid for immediately after being placed.
  4. Users can continue shopping after logging in via Facebook or a Google account.
  5. Purchases can be made using one of three options:

1. I don’t have an account: "Register"

To register, you must provide your email address, full name, phone number, password, and the delivery address.

2. Shopping without registration: "Place an Order"

To purchase without registering, you must provide your email address, full name, phone number, and delivery address.

3. I already have an account: "Log in"

Log in to your account to complete the purchase.

Next, select "Summary."

After verifying the products and the cart's total value, click "Confirm Purchase."

Payment is processed via " SHOPER PŁATNOŚCI "with Blue Media S.A acting as the payment operator

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