How to place an order?
The Shop is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, all year round, allowing Buyers to place Orders at any time, excluding maintenance breaks.
To place an Order:
- Select a product from the Shop, choose its weight variant, and click "Add to Cart."
- Once products are added to the cart, click "Order Now."
- The estimated delivery date will appear on the screen if the Order is paid for immediately after being placed.
- Users can continue shopping after logging in via Facebook or a Google account.
- Purchases can be made using one of three options:
1. I don’t have an account: "Register"
To register, you must provide your email address, full name, phone number, password, and the delivery address.
2. Shopping without registration: "Place an Order"
To purchase without registering, you must provide your email address, full name, phone number, and delivery address.
3. I already have an account: "Log in"
Log in to your account to complete the purchase.
Next, select "Summary."
After verifying the products and the cart's total value, click "Confirm Purchase."
Payment is processed via " SHOPER PŁATNOŚCI "with Blue Media S.A acting as the payment operator